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The following data are available for use by other researchers. If used for a publication, please cite the scientist in charge of the relevant sub-project, as described in the sub-project documentation file. In addition, users are requested to state that the data was obtained from the Marine Environmental Sciences Program of  the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.

The data files for each subproject, along with the documentation file, are combined into compressed files (with an extension of .zip). Two copies of each data file are provided, one an ASCII text file and the other a Dbase III file. The two types of data files are compressed into separate zip files ( denotes the ASCII file, denotes the Dbase file).  In addition, there is a file consisting of a general documentation file and all of the documentation files for the sub-projects. Below is a list of  the compressed files and the data files composing them.


Doc Name
STRI_OS.TXT General Documentation
GRS_DOC.TXT Subtidal Seagrass Communities
MGF_DOC.TXT Mangrove Forests
MGR_DOC.TXT Mangrove Fringe and Epibiota of Mangrove Roots
RFL_DOC.TXT Reef Flat Sessile Biota, Algal-turf Infauna, and Sea Urchins
SNA_DOC.TXT Reef flat gastropods
SRE_DOC.TXT Subtidal reef corals
STO_DOC.TXT Reef flat stomatopods

Subtidal Seagrass Communities

# records
GRS_S 343 Species list for Grassbed subproject
GRSC_M 361 Pushnet fleshy/calcareous algae weights
GRSD_M 1323 Core samples
GRSG_M 5595 Core samples  (Counts of major groups of animals )
GRSH_M 1807 Pushnet samples – Animals – second sorting to species)
GRSL_M 778 Core samples (Weights of fleshy and calcareous algae)
GRSN_M 6766 Pushnet samples – (Counts of major groups of animals)
GRSO7 40 Granulometric analysis
GRSP_M 1641 Core samples – ( Thallasia and Syringodium)
GRSR_M 12783 Pushnet samples (Reproduction of shrimp)
GRSS_M 1877 Core samples  ( Animals – second sorting to species)
GRST_M 371 Recruitment

Mangrove Forests

# records
MGFD_M 14132 Mangrove Forest – Seedling demography
MGFL_M 1034 Mangrove Forest – Litter study
MGFS_MX 16926 Mangrove Forest – Shoots
MGFT_M 624 Mangrove Forest – Temperature and salinity of sites.

Mangrove Fringe and Epibiota of Mangrove Roots

# records
MGR_S 267 Species list for Mangrove Root study
MGRB_M 417 Biomass of organisms on dowels
MGRC_M 24227 Community Development Data
MGRE_M 1447 Depth measurements
MGRG_M 320 Mussel gonads
MGRL_M 229762 Long Term Percent Cover
MGRP_M 2508 Mussel Transplant
MGRQ_M 1575 Light
MGRR_M 11753 Recruitment
MGRS_M 622 Salinity and Temperature
MGRT_M 416 Turbidity
MGRV_M 541 Mussel settlement
MGRW_M 546 Water movement – direct measurement
MGRZ_M 104 Water movement – clods

Reef Flat Sessile Biota

Algal-turf Infauna, and Sea Urchins

# records
RFLC_M 30280 Percent cover of sessile organisms
RFLC_S 74 Species list for per cent cover of sessile organisms.
RFLI_MX 31185 Infaunal Populations of the Laurencia papillosa Turf
RFLI_S 82 Species list for  Infaunal Populations
RFLP_M 2227 Polychaete counts from infauna cores
RFLU_MX 5710 Censuses of Sea Urchin Populations
RFLW_M 2222 Weights and components of turf in infauna cores.

Reef flat gastropods

# records
SNA_S 66 Snails – Species list
SNAD_M 11580 Density
SNAS_M 4213 Size frequency

Subtidal reef corals

# records
SRE_S.TXT 87 Species list for Subtidal Reef Corals
SREA_M 947 Reproductive pathology
SREC_M 4893 Sclerochronology
SREE_M 440 Temperature and salinity
 SREF_M 6801 Partial Mortality – Injury
SREG_M 10129 Gonad area
SREL1X 483 Histology – long section (2nd data set)
SREM1 18939  Developmental stage
SREO8791 1719  Oil log – 1987-1991
SREP_MX 70062 Percent cover
SRER_M 2490 Resuspended sediment
SRES_M 2778 Suspended Sediments
SRET1 2449 Recruitment
SREU_M 2030 Urchin census
SREW_M 504 Granulometric analysis
SREY1-15 5911  Histology (2nd data set)

Reef flat stomatopods

# records
STOA_M 2191 Quadrats – rock volume, animal size
STOB_M 1929 Quadrats – animal data
STOC_M 5708 Random rocks – animal data
STOD_M 2561 Random rocks – Rock sizes